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31.1.– 2.2.2025 | Austria

URAL Winter Meeting next to castle ruin Prandegg

Upper Austria, Mühlviertel, A-4274 Schönau, Prandegg 3, in and around the castle tavern of Franz Leitner

Date: Fri., 31 January to Sun., 2 February 2025

We're organizing again a small family winter meeting, where the focus is on having fun driving through a beautiful landscape in winter.

On Saturday at 10.30 a.m. we set off on an excursion, the route determines the snow conditions, we want to push, pull and sweat. Difficult weather conditions are our favorite and we're happy when we push the Urals, driver and co-driver to the limit.

Prandegg 02-24-6a

Please let us know under if you want to attend the winter meeting 2025, so we can tell the host how many participants will come. As always, participation is free, there is plenty of space around the tavern for camping, wood for campfire is available.


There is accommodation indoor free of charge in one of the three dining rooms, so we can improvise a dormitory: Please bring a lounger, sleeping bag and insulating mat with you!


There is also the full luxury: 8 great bunks for sleeping, see 

16 people can comfortably spend the night here, incl. breakfast. Please book these bunks directly with us at


In nearby Bad Zell there are hotels.

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Here the report from URAL Winter Meeting castle ruin Prandegg
2nd – 4th February 2018

We like to remember: as always a motorcycle ride on detours, bridleways, dirt roads and trails is planned, the very popular path through the forest behind the castle was from the first higher slope no longer passable – too much snow! We took another easier route 400 meters after leaving the castle.

After 1 km drive a steep descent in deep snow was planned. After the departure everyone should wait for each other. The first fifteen motorcycles in the column wait in the deep snow after the descent. They wait and wait and no one comes after.

After a long wait we drive around the castle to look for the rest of the group. We do not find anyone. We drive to the start of the exit, maybe the rest of the group is already there. There is nobody here. After an hour, the nervousness increases. Almost the whole group of sidecar drivers disappeared. Telephone calls begin, further search parties are starting to search. There are indications from the population that sidecars were seen here and there.

After two hours, the missing sidecars finally drive up the mountain, in time for lunch. What happened? Right at the first little mountain, so almost at the start of the exit participant number 6 got stuck in the snow. Thereby the group divides and drives to the not passable rise and fails. In a collective action, the group helps each other, to get individually to the mountain. One and a half hours hard work with the sidecars in the forest. An action that will be unforgettable for the sidecar drivers. This adventure was unfortunately not planned.

In the afternoon there was a highlight: The driveway to the castle can now be traveled individually and the URAL sidecars forms a queue. A BMW X3 comes along the road and wants to pass the queue. The BMW X3 drives into the ditch and hangs in the snow. The BMW four-wheel drive luxury vehicle can not get out of the ditch! With our URAL spades we remove the snow around the drive wheels and push and pull the BMW on the rope of a URAL Ranger out of the ditch. 


A beautiful picture: a BMW four-wheel drive on the rope of a URAL Ranger.

It was very funny at this winter meeting at the castle ruin Prandegg.

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